
Tag: cybersecurity

What Should You Know About Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS Explained)

Cyber-attacks have become one of the hugest business risks in recent years. According to a study by Cybereason, 17 percent of the German victim companies surveyed paid between 300,000 and 1 million euros in ransom after a ransomware attack to get data back. But, this often had only moderate success….

cybersecurity trends in 2022
5 Cybersecurity Trends To Watch Out For In 2022 

Like every new year, 2022 will hold both opportunities and challenges for IT security. One thing is already certain: the trend towards increasing cyber-attacks and their increasing professionalization is unchanged. Here are some Cybersecurity trends in 2022 that you must watch: Growth in Cloud Services and Threats to Cloud Security…

10 Best cybersecurity tips for remote workers
Best Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Workers

With cyber-attacks on the rise, every tech-savvy professional needs to be wary of digital threats. They must take proactive measures to manage the risk. Recently, there have been reports that employees working outside their office premises are at higher risk of getting hacked than those who work only within office…

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